Asked by: Petrus Hinseke
Asked in category: science, biological sciences
Last Updated: 2nd May 2024

How do you measure a spanner nuts?

The tape measure should be stretched across the nut's width to the flat side directly opposite the one you are pulling from. To find the measurement, count the nut that is metric. 9 lines equals a 9-mm (millimeter-sized) nut.

You may also wonder, "How do I know which size spanner I should get?"

The A/F of the bolt will identify the spanner size. Standard sizes are available spanner that conform to of bolts (M6, M8, and M10, etc. )

What does spanner size refer to? Modern spanner sizes are the length of the bolt or hexagonal nut they would fit. This also means Across Flats, but it is an Imperial marking or, more accurately, a SAE mark that is associated with UNC/UNF screw threads, e.g. A 1/2" AF spanner fits a UNF nut 5/16 inches in diameter and is 1/2" across.

How do you calculate the nut size?

Multiply the bolt size in millimeters or inches by 1.5. If necessary, use a pocket calculator. Example: For the numbers in Step 1, 1/2x1.5 = 75 or 3/4 is the required wrench size for this bolt of standard-size.

What are the different types of spanners?

  • Open-ended spanners. Open-ended spanners have U-shaped jaws that open to the width of the bolt or nut head.
  • Basin Tap Wrenches and Spanners
  • Compression Fitting Spanner.
  • Ring spanners.
  • Immersion Heater Spanners
  • Combination Spanners
  • Flare Nut Spanners.
  • Podgers.