Asked by: Hilarino Hochstrate
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 29th Apr 2024

How do you make Cloche Wire?


Another question is: What is a wire-cloche used for?

To create a cloche for your plants, you can use chicken wire. This hardworking mesh can be transformed into a cover that protects plants from hungry insects. Chicken wire was traditionally used to keep chickens in cages, and as a fence around gardens to protect them from hungry animals like rabbits.

How do you make a chickenwire cone? How to Make a Christmas Tree from Chicken Wire

  1. Step 1: Cut a square from chicken wire. Because the wire is very sharp, gloves are recommended.
  2. Step 2: Form into a cone. Wrap wire into a cone shape.
  3. Step 3: Connect the cone together
  4. Step 4: Attach dowel to base.
  5. Step 5: Spray paint dowels with paint and attach a tag.

How do you make a chicken wire cloche?

Chicken Wire Cloche Project

  1. Step 1: Buy chicken wire.
  2. Step 2: Buy a pair gloves.
  3. Step 3: Make a sheet of wire.
  4. Step 4: Join the open ends of each wire sheet.
  5. Step 5: Connect one end of the cylindrical to make the top of your cloche.
  6. Step 6: Create the circle at the top.

What is a Cloches Garden?

Cloche, pronounced klo-osh, is French for "bell". The original Cloches were large, bell-shaped jars used by 19th-century French market growers to cover plants in spring or fall. They also served as miniature greenhouses. To cover rows of plants, they could be connected end to end to form tunnels.