Asked by: Naiara Padmanabhan
Asked in category: technology and computing, video software, technology and computing, video software
Last Updated: 16th May 2024

What are the elements of a file plan?

A file plan is a detailed outline that includes the records series and active file locations. It also includes file transfer instructions, file retention instructions, file disposition instructions and other specific instructions to help with effective management of records, even vital records.

What is a file plan, then?

The File Plan is a container that holds records, folders and categories. It is a virtual filing cabinet that stores records and is the basis of Records Management.

You may also be wondering, "How do I create a file plan?" How do you create a file planning

  1. Simplicity. Your file plan should reflect tasks, activities, and functions that users can easily recognize.
  2. Consistency. Your file plan should have guidelines and rules that ensure that all staff/users follow the exact same procedures.
  3. Flexibility. Your file plan must: be adaptable;

You may also wonder, "What are the five basic filing systems?"

The five basic steps of filing are: Releasing, Indexing, Coding sorting, and Conditioning.

What is the most popular filing system?

The most commonly used filing system is for less than 5,000 records.