Asked by: Morton Dalzell
Asked in category: travel, camping
Last Updated: 30th Jun 2024

How do you blow out Air Lines in an RV?

Your compressor should be set to 30 psi with a maximum pressure of 50 PSI. Then, start blowing water into the water intake. As your compressor blows air into your water lines and you walk around your RV, open each water valve one at a while to let the water escape from the lines.

What PSI do I need to blow my RV's water lines out?

Your compressor should be set to 30 psi with a maximum pressure of 50 PSI. Then, start blowing water into the water intake. As your compressor blows air into your water lines and you walk around your RV, open each water valve one at a while to let the water escape from the lines.

Another question is, "How long must it be below freezing before RV pipes freeze?" At those temperatures, you won't have any freezing problems. For an unheated RV, my personal recommendation is to keep the temperature no below 28. The RV plumbing will not freeze if it has residual heat.

Do you need to put antifreeze into your freshwater tank?

It is safe to use in drinking water systems and RV antifreeze. We use winter antifreeze to flush out our winter campers ( however, we only use the black tank during winter camping). To get the antifreeze from the gravity fill port into the empty fresh water tank, you will need a funnel.

How can you winterize your RV's water line?

Use the steps below to apply to your situation.

  1. Before you start, remove any inline water filters.
  2. Drain the fresh water tank.
  3. Flush the black and gray holding tanks.
  4. Drain the water heater.
  5. All hot and cold faucets should be opened. Don't forget to turn off the outside shower and toilet valve.