Asked by: Lamarana Chloe
Asked in category: personal finance, options, personal finance, options
Last Updated: 23rd Jun 2024

How do I use the DATE function in Salesforce?

Date Time Functions
Returns the date which is the indicated number months before or after a given date. If the resulting months has fewer days then the start month, the function returns that month's last day. The result will have the same day component that the specified date.

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The TODAY() function returns the current date, month, and year in Date data types. This function is useful when you need to know how many days have passed from a previous date, the date in the future, or just the current date.

What is the formula for today’s date in Salesforce? TODAY() + (+1.8) is the same formula as TODAY()+ (-1) which is yesterday's date. Group two fractions in parentheses to calculate their value first. Example: TODAY() +0.5 +0.5 is the same as TODAY()+0 +0, which is today’s date.

You may also wonder, "Why are Date & Time functions important?" and "How can they be used?"

Overview of the date and time function. One of Excel's most important features is the ability to store dates, times, and manipulate them. Excel's built in date and time functions allow you to easily add days or months to specific dates, create dynamic date-based fields, and perform complex time-based computations.

Salesforce: How are dates stored?

A Date value stores a year and a month. A Date/Time store a year, month and day. The time is stored as GMT but displayed in the time zone of the person viewing it. When you subtract two Date/Time values, the end result is a decimal number that represents the number of days and hours.