Asked by: Isamara Bosel
Asked in category: technology and computing, cameras and camcorders
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

How do I set up a tend cam?

Turn on your camera and ensure that the light is turning red and green. Connect to the camera’s WiFi, LynxIndoorXXXXXX. Where XXXXX is the last 4 digits from your camera’s Mac ID as shown on the back sticker for your camera. Start your Tend Safe App. The setup should be completed by your app.

Also, you may be interested in how to reset your tend camera.

For 10 seconds, press and hold the factory reset button located on the side. After the LED light turns off, it will flash red. After factory reset, you will need to reconfigure your camera.

You might also wonder, "What is tend secure?" All audio and video captured are automatically saved and stored on Tend's cloud servers for up to seven day. Secure access is possible from any location using the Tend Secure mobile app. Unlimited cameras can be connected to your Tend Secure App for free to keep an eye on all things.

Another question is: How do you reset an indoor Lynx camera?

Unplug the camera, and move it so it is no more than three feet away from your router. After the camera is powered on, please hold this button down for three (3) seconds. The camera will then reset automatically when you release it.

Why does my trail camera capture nothing with its cameras?

Re: Trail cam takes too many photos of nothing! Could be grass or a branch that triggers the cam. Send some photos. Sometimes, sunlight on a tree limb blowing in wind can trigger cam. Clear objects or set the cam at a low setting.