Asked by: Erotida Haipeter
Asked in category: home and garden, home appliances
Last Updated: 10th May 2024

How do I load a cutlery plate on a Bosch dishwasher

Dishes for
The dishwasher spray sprays water upwards from powerful jets located beneath the baskets. For best results, dishes should be placed face down. Do not stack dishes, as it may cause water jets to block certain areas of the dish.

How do you load a third rack in a Bosch dishwasher?

Above: Most Bosch dishwashers come with a third-rack.

Loading Middle Rack

  1. Place smaller items such as glasses and mugs on a middle rack.
  2. Place wine glasses and coffee cups face-down so that water doesn't collect at the base.
  3. Place items between the tines and not on top.

How do you load a dishwasher, also? Baked-on items should be placed face down and towards the lower spray arm. The dishwasher can usually handle aluminum and stainless steel, but bronze, brass, and china with golden leaf should all be washed by hand to prevent discoloration and damage. Place spoons and forks in the basket with their handles facing down.

What is a 3d cutlery tray?

Miele’s 3D cutlery trays is an innovative innovation from the inventors of the category. It can be used to hold larger utensils and taller stemware.

How can you lower the top shelf of a Bosch dishwasher

How do you adjust the upper rack of your Bosch dishwasher

  1. Step by Step
  2. You can adjust the height of the upper rack to accommodate tall items.
  3. Grab both ends of the rack and lift it up.
  4. To lower the upper rack, push the levers to both ends.