Asked by: Perseveranda Cazaux
Asked in category: medical health, digestive disorders
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

Are hernias detected on CT scans?

Cross-sectional CT scans may show hernias as well as the contents of the peritoneal sac. CT can also be used to diagnose undiscovered hernias. It can also distinguish between hernias caused by masses in the abdominal wall (such as tumors, hematomas or abscesses), and undescended testes.

Many people also wonder if a CT scan can miss a hernia.

Radiologists often miss hernias. According to the doctor, her distrust in radiologists stemmed from a study showing that most CT scans and MRI scans don't accurately diagnose hernias. The hernia specialist referred to a review of 159 reports on inguinal hernia radiology.

What can be mistakenly called a hernia, other than the above? Because they are located in close proximity, femoral hernias can sometimes be mistaken for inguinal. Femoral hernias can be quite rare. In fact, less than 5% hernias are femoral . Femoral hernias are more common in women than they are in men.

Also, does ultrasound show hernias?

A simple physical exam by your doctor is enough to diagnose a hernia. Ultrasound can be used to diagnose a femoral or bowel hernia.

How can you test for a hernia

An adult with an inguinal hernia should be able to examine themselves from a seated position. The patient should stand. Visualize the inguinal canal bulge areas. To expose the hernia, a provocative cough may be required. The cough is repeated while the examiner invaginates and feels for an impulse.