Asked by: Asbel Martins
Asked in category: style and fashion, perfume and fragrance
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

Is Munstead lavender edible?

Sweetest lavenders are the best tasting. English lavender has become a very popular culinary lavendar. The lovely aromas and flavors of the varieties Hidcote (Lavandula Angustifolia "Hidcote") and Munstead (Lavandula Annutrifolia "Munstead") are a great addition to your kitchen.

Consider this: Are all varieties of lavender edible?

Lavender varieties that can be eaten While some varieties are more popular than others, all varieties of lavender are edible.

The same goes for lavender. Which one is the best for cooking? For example, English lavender or Lavandula anigustifolia are both good choices. This subshrub, which is 2- to 3-feet tall, has long spikes of richly-colored florets. It has gray-green leaves.

You might also wonder if Lavender is poisonous for humans.

When used in aromatherapy, lavender oil is not considered to be poisonous. Children who consume small amounts of lavender oil may experience an allergic reaction. Allergy reactions to the skin are the most common side effects.

What is food-grade lavender?

The most desirable food-grade lavender varieties include English, Royal Velvet and Melissa. There are many varieties of lavender. Check to make sure that the edible variety is within your U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zone. You can also pot it indoors for winter.