Asked by: Mykhaylo Osman
Asked in category: medical health, heart and cardiovascular diseases
Last Updated: 5th Jul 2024

How do I hear heart sounds?

To hear abnormal heart sounds, you will need to listen with your stethoscope's bell. You can hear the ventricular gallop or S3 by listening over the mitral valve using the bell.

People often ask where the heart sounds come from.

Both murmurs and heart sounds can be heard at the standard listening posts (aortic and pulmonic, tricupid, tricuspid, and mitral). The S1 heart sound, which consists of mitral and the tricuspid valve closing, can be heard best at the tricuspid and mitral listening posts.

Second, what are normal heart sounds like? Two normal sounds are heard in healthy adults. They are often called a lub or a dub and occur in sequence with every heartbeat. These are the first and second heart sounds (S1), which are produced by closing the semilunar and atrioventricular valves.

How do you make your Auscultate heart sound?

The bell of the stethoscope can be used to listen over the mitral valve. Ask the patient to fully inhale and sit forward. Listen to the patient's breath as they exhale.

What are the five heart sounds?

Auscultation is centered around the heart valves. Four of five points in auscultation are the aortic and pulmonic, tricupid , mitral, and tricuspid valves. The fifth point is Erb's, which can be found left of the sternal boundary in the third intercostal area.