Asked by: Rubina Tabarra
Asked in category: news and politics, war and conflicts
Last Updated: 7th Jul 2024

What is an example confederacy?

Combatants: United States

Also, what is an example confederation?

While the United States is a federation, the European Alliance and the United Nations (aU.N.a), are two examples of confederation. The United States as a whole can participate in confederations such as the U.N.a, but it still maintains a central government that has some authority over the different states.

What is the confederate government definition? A confederation is a grouping of nations or peoples that allows each member to manage itself, but also agrees to work together in common interests. A federation, on the other hand, has a strong central government. A confederation allows for cooperation between different bodies.

This being said, which country is a confederation and why?

Switzerland. Switzerland, also known as the Swiss Confederation is an example modern country that refers to itself traditionally as a confederation.

What's the purpose of a confederacy

A confederacy can be described as a political union. The confederacy of American was the group of southern states that fought against the northern states during the American Civil War. A confederacy is when you join forces for a common goal.