Asked by: Tajuana Izurun
Asked in category: personal finance, home financing
Last Updated: 7th Jul 2024

What defines middle class and upper class?


What is the definition of upper class?

Modern societies have an upper class. This is the social group that has the highest social status and who are often the most wealthy members of society. They also wield the most political power.

What are the five social classes? Markers

  • Social status
  • Income.
  • Education.
  • Culture.
  • Upper class.
  • Middle.
  • The middle class

What defines the middle class, then?

The middle class can be loosely defined as anyone who falls within the top 20% or bottom 20% of workers. The middle class can also be defined as someone earning between 67% and 200% of the median income, or those with certain consumption metrics or wealth metrics.

What is upper class in 2019?

Pew defines the "upper class" as an adult whose household income exceeds the national median. This is after adjusted incomes for household size. Smaller households need less money to live the same lifestyle as larger ones.