Asked by: Konate Hobohm
Asked in category: home and garden, home entertaining
Last Updated: 22nd Jun 2024

How do I cover the phone jack that is plugged into the wall?

You can hide the phone jack by using a message board made from cork, dry erase boards or chalkboards. Attach a thin, empty frame to the back to keep the jack from sticking out against the wall.

You might also ask: Can you convert a phone plug to a power socket?

It is easy to convert an A/C outlet into phone jack. An outlet can be converted into a phone jack by connecting the wires to the jack.

Also, learn how to remove a wall plate. You must disconnect the wires from the back of the plate to remove it. They are not modular and wired to the wall plate. They would interrupt any future or current phone service, so it's best to disconnect them.

It is also important to find out if phone jacks are powered.

Although telephone lines have 48 volts electricity running through them it is not enough to cause shocks. However, it can affect pacemakers. A phone line has a 90 volt spike when it rings. This can cause a mild shock. How to install a phone jack.

Is it possible to convert a phone jack into an Ethernet cable?

Install a DSL modem at your home to convert the phone jack into an Ethernet port that can be connected with a computer. You will need a few items from an electronics store. The other end of your cord should be inserted into the aDSLa-labeled, modular socket at the back of the modem.