Asked by: Adah Amesbury
Asked in category: home and garden, home appliances
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

How deep should the holes be dug for 1.8m wooden fence posts

For Fence Posts and Other Types Of Posts, There are different hole sizes.
size Height of post higher than ground Hole Size (width x Depth).
1.8m (6a2) 23cm (9a), x 60cm (24)
100mm (4a) 90cm (3a2) 30cm (12a), x 30cm (12a)
1.2m (4a2) 30cm (12a), x 45cm (18a)
1.8m (6a2) 30cm (12a), x 60cm (30a), (24a).

How deep should a fence post hole need to be?

2 feet

You may also be wondering how to dig a hole for a fence-post. Pro Tips

  1. Step 1: Attach your stakes to the line.
  2. Step 2: Use a spade to carve out soil divots.
  3. Step 3: Use a tile shovel to loosen the earth.
  4. Step 4: Use your clamshell digger.
  5. Step 5: Apply a reciprocating saw to large roots.
  6. Step 6: Use a digging bar to remove rocks.
  7. Step 7: Mix the soil with one end.

Is 2 feet sufficient for fence posts?

Digging your panel section fence posts holes should not exceed 2 feet. The general rule is to dig the holes at a depth of one-third to one half the post's height. You should dig your holes deeper to ensure stability, but it is also important that you purchase longer posts.

What size hole is required for a 4x4-post?

For each 4x4 post, dig an 8-inch hole that is at least 6 inches deeper than the frost line in your area. You can use a power auger or hand auger to dig the hole. A 6x6 post needs a hole 10' in diameter . To provide drainage, bury a 6" layer gravel in the hole.