Asked by: Emre Bakrymov
Asked in category: home and garden, home appliances
Last Updated: 30th Apr 2024

How can you use OxiClean with white clothes?

Mix 1 cupful OxiClean to every gallon of warm water. Soak tough stains, heavy-soiled clothes, and dingy whites for six hours in the solution. Wash as usual.

How do you apply OxiClean to clothes?

OxiClean can be used to remove stubborn stains from your clothes. Mix the OxiClean and water together. Apply the mixture directly to the stain. Allow it to sit for 10 minutes, then wash the item with OxiClean.

You can also use OxiClean in your washing machine. OxiClean can increase your laundry detergent's effectiveness and is safe for most fabrics, including jeans and other colors. Do Not Use On Wool Or Silk. To remove tough stains from your laundry, heat water and OxiClean (1-4 spoons) are added to the washer and turned off.

How do you use OxiClean White?

Instructions for White ReviveaC/Liquid:

  1. MIX MIX 1 cupful OxiCleanaC/White ReviveaC/ for 1 gallon warmest water as recommended by the garment care label.
  2. Soak for six hours. Soak for 6 hours.

How do you whiten your clothes the most effectively?

To make white clothes again, soak them in 4 quarts water and 1 cup baking soda for 8 hours. If you like, you can also add laundry detergent and lemon juice to the water. The clothes will then be soaked for about 1-2 hours.