Asked by: Ye Schetinin
Asked in category: music and audio, tv and film podcasts
Last Updated: 2nd May 2024

How can you prepare your windows for tinting?

  1. Locate a dry, clean work area.
  2. Take out any stickers or adhesives that are on the windows.
  3. Use soapy water and a 1' razor blade to clean the windows.
  4. Use a dry rag to clean the window.
  5. Roll the window up before you start, but leave your vehicle off.
  6. Decide which side the tint is adhesive.

Do they also clean the windows before tinting?

Before you tint your windows, make sure they are clean. A clean vehicle or a residential window will enable you to have a cleaner installation. Before installing your tints, the vehicle tint installer will clean the glass and surrounding areas.

The next question is: How do you tint windows without creating bubbles? How to Get the Bubbles out of Car Window Tint

  1. You can warm the tint by placing it in sunlight or using a hair dryer to lightly dry the bubbles.
  2. Apply a little water to the window tint's surface.
  3. To puncture each air bubble, use the tip of a small needle.

It is also not difficult to tint your windows yourself.

Tinting windows is easy, but not difficult. You need patience. If you do it wrong, it will be very difficult remove the film. To avoid air bubbles, you will need a steady hand.

What are you supposed to do if your windows get tinted?

Water or mild cleaners are the best options. Avoid using ammonia-based products as it can cause your tint to fade and crack. Be careful not to scratch the film with abrasives or scrubbers.