Asked by: Dacian Hoffers
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, woodworking
Last Updated: 4th Jul 2024

How can you fix a large gouge in a fiberglass vessel?

Use 80-grit sandpaper to remove any excess putty. Next, switch to 240-grit. You will need to fix gouges or deep scratches with achopa (powdered glass fiber) filler, gel coating, and gel coat reducer.

How can you fix gelcoat gouges?

Start by sanding the area and scratch with 320-grit papers. Be careful not to remove too many materials. After sanding, you can use a Dremel to remove the gouge slightly. Next, feather the edges with 180-grit. This will help the gelcoat blend in, and hide the edges of filled scratch.

You may also be wondering how to fix large damage to gelcoats. Use 320-grit dry/wet paper to sand the gelcoat. Keep your focus on the repair immediate area and continue wet-sanding using 600-grit paper to bring it nearly in line with the surrounding gelcoat. Finish the wet-sanding process with 1,000-grit papers. Finally, apply wax to the area.

It is also asked how to repair deep scratches in fiberglass.

Begin by cleaning the area with acetone. Use 1000 grit dry/wet sandpaper to sand the area. Use a cup of water to gently rub the area using wet sandpaper. To remove gel-coat dust (paste), re-wet your paper often.

Can I paint over gelcoat?

Yes.. it's not necessary to "remove" gelcoat, but it should be thoroughly cleaned and dewaxed. A scuff sanding is enough to remove it but not enough to grind it off. Repainting old paint is a terrible job, especially if it was not the original one.