Asked by: Henrique Berenguel
Asked in category: science, chemistry
Last Updated: 7th Jul 2024

What is an example for a chemical alteration in water?

A chemical change can also be made to water. Water molecules may be broken down to hydrogen and oxygen by an chemical reaction known as electrolysis. The water is transformed into two gases, oxygen and hydrogen when an electric current passes through it (H2O).

Afterwards, you might also wonder, "What are 10 examples of chemical changes?"

Ten examples of chemical reactions are:

  • The burning of wood, coal, paper, kerosene and other substances.
  • The formation of curd with milk
  • Hydrogen and oxygen can be made by electrolysis of water.
  • Iron rusting
  • A cracker bursting.
  • The art of cooking food.
  • Food digestion
  • Germination of seeds.

Is water evaporating a example of a chemical or physical change? Evaporation of water is a form of physical change. water evaporates . It transforms from the liquid to the gas states, but it remains water . It has not become any other substance. Hydrogen that is burned in air, for example, undergoes a chemical transformation in which it becomes water.

What would you consider a chemical change example?

A chemical change can produce a new substance. Chemical changes are: Combustion (burning), making an egg, cooking an egg, and mixing hydrochloric and sodium hydroxide to create salt and water. Physical Changes: These are changes that affect energy and the states of matter.

Does freezing water represent a chemical shift?

A physical change, for example, does not lead to the formation of new substances. Examples of physical changes include water boiling, melting ice and tearing paper. Chemical changes however, are quite different. A chemical change is when a new substance forms.