Asked by: Marzia Chukhlov
Asked in category: medical health, bone and joint conditions, medical health, bone and joint conditions
Last Updated: 7th Jul 2024

What is the normal anatomical position of a human being?

Function of Standard anatomical position
The standard anatomical position for humans is to have the body straight up and facing forward. Arms are at the sides and the palms face forward. The legs are straight and the feet are slightly apart and slightly turned outward.

What is the anatomical position of the human body?

n. The upright position of the body with the head facing forward and the arms to the side. This is used for describing the relationship of body parts.

Also, find out why there is a standard anatomical position. Because it serves as a reference point for anatomical nomenclature, the anatomical position in anatomy is important. When the body is in its anatomical position, terms like anterior and posterior, medial, lateral, abduction, adduction and so forth, apply.

What are the main anatomical positions of each?

As shown in the image below, this is the standard anatomical position for people.

Directional Terms

  • Superior and Inferior
  • Anterior and Posterior
  • Medial and Lateral
  • Proximal & Distal
  • Both superficial and deep

What are the anatomical directions of the body?

Anatomical directional terms can be compared to the directions on a map's compass rose. They can be used to describe locations of structures relative to other structures and locations within the body, similar to the directions North, South East, East, West.