Asked by: Eliam Zhalilo
Asked in category: technology and computing, search
Last Updated: 29th Apr 2024

How can I locate my method usage in IntelliJ

Select a symbol to be highlighted in the editor. IntelliJ IDEA will highlight all usages found in the file. To highlight all usages in, disable highlighting. Press Ctrl+Shift+F7. Find

How do I find a method in IntelliJ to use?

16 Answers. You can search any class or method within the project by pressing SHIFT TWO. You can search symbols using Ctrl+ Alt + Shift+ N, as well as methods. This keybinding has the advantage that it searches all files and not just the current one like Ctrl+ F12.

How can I also view the source code in IntelliJ To locate a specific code element within a file, you can use the structure popup.

  1. Click Ctrl+F12 to open the structure view popup
  2. Locate the item you are looking for in the popup. To narrow your search, you can type the name of the element in IntelliJ IDEA.

How can I also find my Javadocs in IntelliJ

Click'to see the Javadoc in the Autocomplete Menu. To open the popup, hover over the object that you are currently working with. Once you have the javadoc popup, select an item to change the javadoc.

How can I locate references in IntelliJ

Find Type your search string in the search field. Alternativly, you can highlight the string that you want to find in the editor and hit Ctrl+Shift+F. IntelliJ IDEA inserts the highlighted string in the search field.