Asked by: Lane Seyther
Asked in category: technology and computing, email
Last Updated: 23rd Jun 2024

How can I change my primary Pluralsight Email?

Click on the Settings tab of your Account page. Enter your email address by clicking Add email. Verify the address. Click on the small icon to the right of the Settings tab to set the new address for your primary email.

How can I change my primary email address on my box?

Modify the email address for your Box Account

  1. Log in to your Box Account
  2. In the upper right corner, click the drop-down menu for your name.
  3. Verify that the Account tab has been selected.
  4. Scroll down to the Login section and Email Addresses section.
  5. Click Save to enter the new email address.
  6. Box will send you a confirmation message to the email address that has been added.

Also, learn how to change your Pluralsight password. Click on the Forgot Password? link to request a reset password. You can request a password reset by clicking on the Forgot password? link located on the pluralsight login webpage. Within 10-15 minutes, you will receive an email from Pluralsight after you have submitted your email address. Please remember that your password must not exceed 8 characters when you reset or set it.

How do I change my primary email address in Quora?

To change the primary email address associated with your Quora account, go to Click on "Add another Email address" and enter your new address. You will receive an email confirmation after clicking "Add Email".

Can I share my Pluralsight Account?

Accounts are only available to the person who created them. They cannot be shared with anyone else. An account holder can invite a learner to your business plan and add their viewing history.