Asked by: Abenaura Vulpe
Asked in category: technology and computing, computer networking
Last Updated: 29th Apr 2024

How can I change my password for my Cisco modem

Reset Your Passwords
  1. Log in to the admin panel with your Cisco router’s administrative username and password. Tips.
  2. Click Setup in the main menu, then click on the Quick Setup tab. Tips.
  3. In the Router Password area, enter a new admin password and then confirm it in the Re-Enter to Validate field.

How do I change my Cisco epc3925 router's password?

Cisco EPC3925 Login to the Cisco EPC3925 Modem. Click on the link, or paste the link into a browser. This will take you to the CiscoEPC3925 login webpage. To log in to your modem, the default login password is admin. Click on the login button.

How do I change my WiFi password using air? Reset or Change your WiFi Password with a Hitron WiFi Modem

  1. Connect your device with your WiFi modem
  2. Type 192.168 into a web browser
  3. To access modem settings, enter the default settings below and then select Login.
  4. Select Wireless from the top menu.
  5. Select the Security & WPS tab.

So where is my Cisco router's password?

Cisco Router Password: Simply go to the Cisco router login page (usually at 192.168. 1.1 or 192.168. 1.254) and then enter your username and password combination. If the password does not work, it is usually because the password has been altered.

What is the default username and password for Cisco?

These are the default credentials required to log in to your Cisco router. Most Cisco routers come with a default username and password. The default IP address is 192.168. 1.1. These credentials are required to log in to the Cisco router's Web interface to modify any settings.