Asked by: Karlyn Largo
Asked in category: medical health, digestive disorders
Last Updated: 15th May 2024

What organs are found in the peritoneal cavity

If organs are enclosed by a fold or visceral membrane, they are intraperitoneal. Intraperitoneal organs include: the [Monogastric Stomach - Anatomy & Physiology|stomach]], small intestine, large intestine, liver, gall bladder, pancreas and spleen.

Many people also wonder what organs the peritoneal cavity contains.

These organs include the liver, spleen and stomach. Retroperitoneal organs can be found posteriorly to the peritoneum, in the retroperitoneal area. Only their anterior wall is covered by the parietal-peritoneum.

The peritoneal cavity also houses the liver. The peritoneal cavity is located between the parietal and visceral peritoneum. It is a possible space. The walls of the abdomen are connected to some organs via folds and ligaments. For example, the liver is attached to the peritoneum. Other organs use large areas of the peritoneum such as the pancreas.

What is the peritoneal cavity in this context?

The peritoneal cavity can be described as a space between the visceral and parietal pertoneums. This is the peritoneum surrounding the internal organs.

What organs are found in the abdominopelvic cavities?

The abdominopelvic cavities is a body cavity which consists of the pelvic cavity and the abdominal cavity. It houses the liver, stomach, gallbladder and kidneys. It also includes the bladder and other internal reproductive organs.