Asked by: Seppo Lanas
Asked in category: science, space and astronomy, science, space and astronomy
Last Updated: 15th May 2024

How do you create an axis of revolution in SolidWorks?

  1. Create A new 2D sketch.
  2. Create all solid, sketch geometry on one side .
  3. Select Revolve Boss/Base in the features menu.
  4. Select the axis that you want to use for the revolve.
  5. Specify the direction and angle.
  6. Accept the Feature.

So, how do I create an axis using Solidworks?

To create an axis of reference:

  1. Click Axis in the Reference Geometry toolbar or click Insert > Reference Geometry > Axis.
  2. Select the type of axis in the Axis PropertyManager and then select the entities required for that type.
  3. Verify that the items in Reference Entities correspond with your selections.
  4. Click here

You may also wonder, "What is a revolve feature?" The Revolve Feature. Revolve allows you to define three-dimensional geometry by turning a section around a central line. To create a solid or a surface feature and to add or subtract material, use the Rotate tool. The following revolve types are possible: aC/ Revolved ProtrusionaSolid and Thickened.

It is also important to understand what the base feature is.

The base feature is the first feature that you create when building a part. You then add more features to modify or add detail to it.

What is revolve in Solidworks

Revolves are used to add or remove material by rotating one or more profiles around the centerline. You can create revolved boss/bases or revolved cut, or revolved surface. You can have a solid, thin, or surface revolve feature.