Asked by: Aintza Mitrea
Asked in category: religion and spirituality, judaism
Last Updated: 22nd Jun 2024

Did Jerome Use the Septuagint?

Vulgate (from Latin editiovulgata: an acommon editiona), Latin Bible used primarily by the Roman Catholic Church. He decided later that the Septuagint was not satisfactory and began translating the entire Old Testament using the Hebrew originals. This process took him to 405.

So did the Apostles use Septuagint?

Use of the Septuagint for Christian purposes Although it seems that the Septuagint was a significant source for the Apostles' information, it is not the only one. St. Jerome broke with church traditions by translating the majority of his Vulgate's Old Testament from Hebrew to Greek.

Who also translated the Septuagint? Septuagint is the Greek translation of Hebrew Bible. This is because 70 to 72 Jewish scholars participated in the translation process. The scholars were in Alexandria under the reign of Ptolemy II Philadelphus (285-247 B.C.). According to the Letter of Aristeas, his brother Philocrates.

What Bibles also use the Septuagint, and which are not?

The Orthodox Study Bible uses the New King James Version Bible as the foundation for a new translation of the Septuagint text. The Septuagint, which is the Greek version used by Christ, his Apostles and the early church, is the Bible's Greek translation.

Was the Apocrypha included in the Septuagint?

Apocrypha is a collection of works that are often written by someone who is not known or has doubtful origin. The Biblical apocrypha is a collection of texts that are included in the Latin Vulgate or Septuagint, but not the Hebrew Bible.