Asked by: Rosalyn Bazaga
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, genealogy and ancestry
Last Updated: 29th Apr 2024

Can you grow avocados in Zone 7?

The variety of avocados you choose will determine the best choice. Avocados that are Citrus or Mexican-resistant can tolerate temperatures up to 30°F for approximately 3 hours without any damage. Zone 7 Avocados should not be planted in the ground.

Herein, what zone do avocados grow in?

Avocados are subtropical, understory trees that are adapted to semihumid and warm climates. They can only be grown in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant toughiness zones 8-11, but they aren't able to thrive outside of those zones.

Can you also grow avocado trees in a greenhouse? An avocado plant can grow in any indoor space, but it will also thrive in a heated greenhouse. Avocado trees thrive in high heat and humid conditions.

Can avocados survive winter when you consider this?

Avocado trees' (Persea sp.) According to the California Rare Fruit Growers, their native habitat is southern Mexico. They can withstand very low temperatures but not . Frost damage can be avoided by choosing the coldest avocado varieties and growing them in an area that is protected from winter winds.

Can I grow avocados in Indiana?

No matter where you live, avocados can be grown at home. It's possible with the Cold Hardy Avocado tree. This tree is strong enough to withstand frigid temperatures down to 20 degrees. It lives up its name. You can simply plant the Avocado Tree in a container, and bring it inside during winter months. It will continue to grow.