Asked by: Abdelasis Pelzing
Asked in category: pets, reptiles, pets, reptiles
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

Can tortoises eat lizards?

Small lizards like geckos and wall lizards are unlikely to be harmed by herbivorous tortoises. Lizards will most likely be eaten if you place carnivorous turtles, like the red-eared slider. If the lizard is a monitor, a tegu or a large predator, it might find a small tortoise delicious.

This is how a lizard can co-exist with a tortoise.

When properly set up in the same-species tanks, certain lizards (anoles, geckos, bearded dragons) and chelonians, (turtles or tortoises), can live together. However, snakes are best kept separate and should not be mixed in the same tank, even if they belong to the same species.

You may also wonder if an iguana or a tortoise can live together. Iguanas should not be able to live in the same area as tortoises. These pets need different habitats and care. They require different feeding schedules and temperatures. The risk of fighting or spreading diseases between the animals is high, especially if they're both male.

You might also wonder if a tortoise eats meat.

Although tropical tortoises need some protein, Mediterranean tortoises should not eat meat.

Do tortoises eat birds?

Although technically vegetarians, they can eat birds occasionally. Tortoises eat mainly cacti, leaves and lichens. According to the author of the book "Living Turtles of the World", they have been seen killing and eating small birds.