Asked by: Hang Varanga
Asked in category: science, chemistry
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

What is the importance of photosynthesis for life?

Because photosynthesis is the main source of oxygen in our atmosphere, it is vital for living organisms. Photosynthesis is the primary energy source for green plants and trees. It produces food from sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water in the atmosphere.

How is photosynthesis a biological process?

Plant Biology Photosynthesis refers to the conversion of light energy into chemical energy. This is how organisms harness the radiant energy of sunlight to convert it into chemical energy. As by-products, oxygen and water are released.

This is another reason why photosynthesis is so important for life on Earth. A) The photosynthesis of grass produces glucose. This glucose is then used in the grass' growth. D) The photosynthesis is used by green plants to remove oxygen from the atmosphere and replace the earth's carbon.

Another question is: How does photosynthesis affect us?

Most of the oxygen humans and animals breathe is provided by photosynthesis. The sun's energy is used by Chlorophyll to convert carbon dioxide and water to oxygen, and carbon-based compounds like glucose. This sugar helps plants grow.

Why is photosynthesis so important

Because photosynthesis is the main source of oxygen in our atmosphere, it is vital for living organisms. Photosynthesis is the primary energy source for green plants and trees. It produces food from sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water in the atmosphere.