Asked by: Melina Ordines
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 8th May 2024

Can kerosene kill the weeds?

Many weeds grow between pavers, gravel driveways, or in cracks in concrete. These areas can be treated with spot sprays of Kerosene or milder chemicals like zero, which will kill most weeds but not all. However, new weeds may emerge a few weeks later.

What is the best way to permanently kill weeds?

Salt can be used. Bring to boil a mixture of approximately 1 cup salt and 2 cups water. To kill the weeds, pour directly onto them. Salt can also be used to kill unwanted grass or weeds that grow between bricks or blocks of patio.

Diesel fuel can also kill grass and weeds. Diesel fuel is toxic to all plants and can kill weeds, grass and other plants. Diesel will NOT kill your seeds, making it a temporary solution. This process will be repeated repeatedly.

Can I also use gasoline to kill weeds

Gasoline can be used to kill weeds. A small amount may be sprayed onto the weeds. It is unsafe to spray a yard with gasoline, but it is possible to spot treat weeds. Spray the area on a cool, sunny day to keep it safe. Instead of spraying the soil, focus the spray on the leaves.

How can I remove large areas of weeds from my yard?

Spray your yard with a nonselective, systemic herbicide such as glyphosate to eliminate all types of weeds. Spray on a dry, clear day wearing protective clothing. Once the herbicide is in effect and the weeds have been killed to the roots, you can remove them.