Asked by: Artzai Suravinda
Asked in category: technology and computing, computer peripherals
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

Can a FireWire-to-US cable be used?

It is not possible for a FireWire interface via a FireWire-to-USB adapter to be connected to your computer's USB port. This is because the connection is insufficient to support a FireWire audio interface. This article explains which cards are compatible with Focusrite FireWire interfaces.

Do you also know if there is a FireWire USB 3.0 adapter available?

There isn't one. These adapters DO NOT impede data transfer protocols! We know that FW800 is quicker than USB2.

Is there anything that uses FireWire any more? Firewire didn't die. You can still purchase Firewire drives. It was a niche product that Apple eventually dropped the port from their MacBooks.

You may also wonder, "How do I connect FireWire with my computer?"

FireWire, like USB, is plug-and-play. A FireWire port can accommodate 63 devices (using daisy-chaining). Simply connect your device to your computer using a FireWire Cable. Then, run the cable from your device to the FireWire port of your computer.

How can I transfer Mini-DV tapes from my computer to another?

You will need to connect your Mini DV camera or tape deck to a computer in order for the transfer process. The USB cable should be connected from the camcorder to the USB port of the computer. Open the tape camcorder. Set the camcorder in aVCRa mode if you are using it.