Asked by: Monya Blue
Asked in category: automotive, motorcycles
Last Updated: 4th Jul 2024

Are you looking for bar ends for your motorcycle?

Protection. Protection. Bar ends are simply for protection. Your handlebars can be damaged if they are too wide or narrow for your bike.

Also, how do the end weights of motorcycle bars work?

They do. Mass dampens vibration. The vibration can also be affected by the length and stiffness of the bars.

What are the benefits of bar ends? Bar ends are essential for flat-bar bikes because everyone can benefit from more than one hand position. You will be able to use your wrists, wrists, arms and shoulders for extended periods of riding. It is definitely worth it to commute with a flat bar.

Bar end plugs are unnecessary when you consider this.

Bar-end plugs are plugs that prevent the open ends from falling. In a crash, open-ended handlebars can cause serious injury to the abdomen. Therefore, all bar ends must be securely plugged.

What does a motorcycle bar do?

Bar ends are there for protection. Your handlebars may be too wide or narrow for your bike, and your handlebars could fall. If this happens, the bar ends can take the damage in place of any other parts that may be more costly to replace.