Asked by: Kepa Turon
Asked in category: pets, fish and aquariums
Last Updated: 4th Jul 2024

Are you able to have gills or lungs?

Lungfish possess a unique respiratory system that includes both a lung and gills. Only six species of lungfish are known to exist.

Are amphibians also equipped with lungs and gills?

Amphibians inhale through their skin and lungs. Tadpoles, and some aqua amphibians, have gills that are similar to fish. Some amphibians only have skin breathing and do not have lungs.

What animal doesn't have lungs, other than the ones mentioned above? Toads and frogs both have lungs. However, they can breathe through their skin when they are immersed in water. Fish are an obvious example of an animal that doesn't have lungs.

Do lungs have gills?

Answer and explanation: What each does with oxygen is the main difference between lungs and gills. The gills can be found outside of aquatic organisms. However, the lungs can be found inside. Unlike fish, gills are often found in aquatic organisms.

Can we have gills in humans?

Instead, they use specialized organs called gills to remove oxygen and other waste gases by passing water through them. We cannot extract oxygen from water because we don't have gills.