Asked by: Mohamedi Kahler
Asked in category: food and drink, non alcoholic beverages
Last Updated: 5th Jul 2024

Are dried fruits healthier than fresh?

Dried fruits have higher sugar content and a higher glycemic score than fresh fruit. This makes them less healthy. Dried fruits have a lot of nutrients and are easy to pack. They also count towards your daily fruit recommendation. The main difference between fresh and dried fruits is their calorie and sugar contents.

Consider this: Is dried fruit as good as fresh fruit?

The nutritional value of dried fruit is high. A piece of dried fruits has about the same nutrients as a fresh food but is smaller. Dried fruit can contain up to 3.5x the amount of fiber, vitamins, and minerals as fresh fruit.

You might also wonder which dried fruit contains the lowest amount of sugar. ?prunes (66g sugar, 32.2g of carbs/cup), raisins (86g Sugar) and 115g of carbs/cup) are high in -sugar. Dates (93g sugar_ and 6.2g carbs/cup) are also very high.

Is dried fruit more sugary than fresh fruit in this instance?

Raisins and prunes are great because they can be dried for a long period of time. They also provide good amounts of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Dehydrated fruit does not produce more sugar, but it loses volume. The problem is how to measure them before comparing them.

Are you losing nutrients when you dehydrate fruits?

You only need one ingredient to dehydrate foods. This is the food you're drying.