Asked by: Sinda Andryuschenko
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping, home and garden, landscaping, home and garden, landscaping, home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 4th Jul 2024

Are crotons able to take in the full sun?

Croton plants like full sun but some species can tolerate partial shade. The intensity of the color will be determined by how much sun the plant gets.

Crotons also need to drink a lot of water.

Crotons are sensitive and need to be watered every other day or weekly, depending on their needs. To avoid drowning, the soil should not be left dry for too long. However, it is important to let the soil air dry between watering. Check the soil for signs of drooping leaves and then water.

Also, learn how to care for croton plants. Croton Care

  1. Place the croton in a sunny spot such as an east, southern, or west window.
  2. The soil should be kept moist but allowed to dry between waterings.
  3. You can mist the leaves once a week with water or place a tray of wet gravel next to the plant if humidity is low.

Similarly, why is my Croton's Croton losing its leaves?

Your croton could have fallen leaves because it was exposed to extreme temperatures such as air ducts or open doors. Your Croton will feel more at home if you use a humidifier or mist with distilled water. Insufficient sunlight can cause a Croton leaf to drop or a lackluster color.

What is the best fertilizer to use for Crotons?

Crotons need a fertilizer that is high in Nitro and Potassium. These chemicals are essential for plants to grow strong stems.