Asked by: Marieke Richards
Asked in category: automotive, driverless cars, automotive, driverless cars
Last Updated: 27th Jul 2024

What does a white line in front of a driveway mean?

White return lines are road markings that discourage parking on driveways. They are shaped like a capital H and extend across the access. A white line does not have legal standing, unlike the yellow lines. It cannot be enforced.

People also ask if they can put a white line along their driveway.

Although white lines are used to discourage parking, it is not legally binding. You cannot request that an owner move their vehicle. It is legal to park your vehicle on the white line outside your flat as long as it isn’t blocked by the driveway.

What does a single whiteline mean? In some cases, however, the single white line may indicate that there is no pavement. If this is the case, it would be illegal for you to park on a single line. These locations may be in areas without street lighting. The continuous white line is used for defining the carriageway's edge.

Also, can you park on a whiteline on a drop KERB outside your house?

You can request to have a white line painted on your dropped curb if you are having trouble with cars parking in your driveway or garage. The white line is an advisory, alerting motorists to the existence of a driveway.

What does a white line at the house's exterior mean?

White return lines are road markings that discourage parking on driveways. They are shaped like a capital H and extend across the access. A white line does not have legal standing, unlike the yellow lines. It cannot be enforced.