Asked by: Adaline Kammerl
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, beekeeping
Last Updated: 8th Sep 2024

What's the point of eating my magnolia buds.

A type of beetle called weevils will eat the magnolia flowers' petals, leaving notches at the edges. Winter moth larvae will also consume magnolia blooms.

Another question is: Why do squirrels eat magnolia flowers?

Wild turkeys, wild turkeys, opossums, quail, and quail all consume parts of the magnolia trees, as well deer that eat the tree's twigs and leaves. Magnolia flowers produce a lot of pollen, which is rich in protein. This makes it appealing to beetles.

What does a magnolia flower buds look like? Magnolia trees have incredibly beautiful bud scales. These bud scales are covered in soft, silver hairs that appear almost like a fur coat. They also help protect the buds against the cold. You will find many fuzzy buds on the bare branches of the magnolia tree at Magnolia Plaza.

What could be eating my magnolia trees leaves, other than the above?

Thrips, scales, and aphids feed on plant cells and can cause wilted or discolored leaves which may lead to premature tree death. Applying neem oil, horticultural oil, or magnolia oil will help to control large scale infestations.

Are coffee grounds good for squirrels?

Coffee Grounds - While you may find the smell of coffee appealing, squirrels are not. To keep the squirrels away, sprinkle fresh ground over the soil around the plants. Add a new layer every two weeks.