Asked by: Flavio Shirinkin
Asked in category: medical health, heart and cardiovascular diseases, medical health, heart and cardiovascular diseases
Last Updated: 8th Sep 2024

Is my Medtronic pacemaker MRI compatible?

Now, Medtronic has announced that the FDA approved its Advisa DR MRI pacemakers and Revo MRI SureScan pacemakers to be MRI compatible. This means that the pacemakers can be used in any position. The agency reviewed both clinical data and computer-modeled simulations of chest scans.

Is it possible for all pacemakers to be compatible with MRI?

MRI exams are safe with certain devices. Most heart valves, coronary artery stents, and other devices currently on the market can be safely scanned by an MRI scanner.

The question is: What should you avoid when using a pacemaker to control your heart rate? You must avoid contact with magnetic fields or electrical devices for a period of time after you have installed a pacemaker. The following devices can interfere with a pacemaker: Cell phones, MP3 players (e.g. iPods), and household appliances like microwave ovens.

You may also wonder, "What happens if I have an MRI with a pacemaker?"

An MRI scan can damage implanted cardiac devices, which include defibrillators and pacemakers. An MRI scan can damage pacemakers' settings and may present a risk to patients who are dependent on them.

Can you get an MRI using a loop recorder?

Loop recorder patients are safe for MRI scans. There are no special precautions to take before a MRI scan. However, the loop recorder will record signals from an MRI so it is important that you notify your doctor and the device clinic personnel if you have a MRI.