Asked by: Regulo Pinto
Asked in category: food and drink, non alcoholic beverages
Last Updated: 2nd May 2024

Why is my orange pink inside so bright?

It's a navel variety that has pink flesh, rather than the traditional orange interior, as we have mentioned. Joan Wickham, Sunkist Growers' director of communications, explained to Refinery29 that the pink color is due to the presence of Lycopene, an antioxidant that gives tomatoes their red hue.

Hence, my orange looks reddish inside.

A blood orange is a citrus orange that has a similar appearance to oranges from the outside, but contains deep red fruit and juice. Anthocyanin is responsible for the red color. This happens when citrus fruits are ripened during warm days and cooler nights.

What is a pink or orange? Cara Cara Oranges can be classified as citrus sinensis. They are also known as aRed Fleshed Navel Orangesa and pink Navel due to their distinct inner pinkish-red, yellow flesh which resembles a ruby grapefruit.

This is why my orange looks like a grapefruit in the interior.

Although Cara Cara navel Oranges might look similar to Ruby red grapefruits, other than their color and being citrus fruits, they're not the same. Cara Cara navel Oranges result from a mutation in navel orange that was discovered in Venezuela.

Are pink oranges healthy?

Nutrition Facts: One medium caracara orange contains 80 calories, 19g of carbs and 3g of fiber. It is a good source of vitamin A and C, and a good supply of folate. The powerful antioxidant known as lycopene is also found in cara cara oranges, giving them their beautiful color.