Asked by: Toucha Winhart
Asked in category: medical health, substance abuse
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

Quebec allows alcohol consumption in public.

It is strictly forbidden to consume alcoholic beverages in public spaces. This rule is only applicable to establishments that have permits from the RA (c)gie des permis d’alcool du QuA (c)bec), or when drinks are consumed in a park along with a meal.

This is why you might be able to drink alcohol in public places in Montreal.

It is illegal to consume alcohol in Montreal's streets and alleyways. You can still drink alcoholic beverages within a park. This is the loophole in the no public alcohol law. You must, however, consume a meal with the alcoholic beverage in the beautiful Montreal park.

In Quebec, passengers can also drink alcohol in their cars. It appears that section 443 of Quebec's highway safety code is the law I broke. It states, "No road vehicle occupant may consume alcoholic beverages in it." Because the quebec provincial laws operate under a civil law legal structure, it is crucial to understand the terms in the law in order to prove my case.

Can you also drink alcohol in public places in Canada?

It is illegal in Canada to consume alcohol or have open containers of alcohol in public places, except Quebec. Public drinking in the USA is also prohibited. Many other countries don't have such laws. In the UK, you can purchase a beer from a pub and then drink it on the streets.

Is it legal in Edinburgh to consume alcohol in public?

Although Edinburgh permits alcohol consumption in public places, any person who drinks in public places would be required to stop by the police if they are asked.