Asked by: Vasilina Lagaron
Asked in category: food and drink, food allergies
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

Why is it so dangerous for food handlers and food preparers to eat in or drink in these areas?

Food handlers who have jaundice may contaminate food. Create a barrier between workers and food. It is dangerous for food handlers to eat or drink in food - preparation areas. Saliva could be transferred to food.

Find out what food workers must do to ensure food safety.

Good personal hygiene helps prevent germs from entering food. Proper food worker hygiene means: A* Not working with food if you are ill. Hand washing is important. Use clean hands and utensils for handling food.

You may also wonder where food handlers should wash their hands after handling food preparation. Hands should be washed:

  1. After you use the toilet.
  2. After coughing, sneezing and using a tissue, handkerchief or tobacco, smoke, eating, or drinking.
  3. Before you prepare food or put on gloves.
  4. Touching any part of the human body (other than clean hands or arms)

You may also be curious about what type of jewelry is allowed for food handlers.

Additionally, jewelry such as rings, bracelets, watches and watches could be dropped into food, creating a safety hazard. Jewelry shouldn't be worn while working with Food. However, employees may wear a plain-metal ring such as a wedding ring.

What should be the reason for food handlers being prohibited from working around or with food?

These symptoms must be reported immediately to managers by staff who are involved in food handling or food handling. These symptoms should be reported immediately to management. Staff must not work with or near open food for at least 48 hours after symptoms cease naturally.