Asked by: Gizella Dierksmeier
Asked in category: books and literature, fiction
Last Updated: 1st May 2024

Why did Shaw write Pygmalion

Shaw wrote Pygmalion back in 1912. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in Literature in 1925 for his work. Pygmalion was written in the Suffragette movement's full flow. Shaw's memories as a freelancer at The Pall Mall Gazette were partly inspiration for his writing.

Also, Shaw's play Pygmalion was named for what reason?

Shaw took his name from an ancient Greek legend about Pygmalion, a famous Greek sculptor who couldn't find anything good in women. He resolved to live his life without a wife. He carved an ivory statue that was so beautiful that he fell in love.

Also, Shaw chose which star to play in Pygmalion. Wendy Hiller

What is Pygmalion's message in this context?

We see a society that is divided by language, wealth, and education in Pygmalion. Shaw offers us the chance to see, both successfully as well as unsuccessfully, how this gap can be closed.

What inspired Shaw's play Pygmalion's plot?

Shaw wanted his play to make people think differently about this. He borrowed the myth of Pygmalion. The story tells the story of a sculptor who falls in love with Galatea, his sculpture. He prays that she will come to life. His wish is granted by Aphrodite.