Asked by: Shanell Samarra
Asked in category: medical health, vaccines
Last Updated: 6th May 2024

What should I do if I have been exposed to whooping cough?

Risk Factors: Infant; Child

How long do you have to get whooping cough after being exposed?

Symptoms typically appear within 7-10 days of exposure. However, symptoms may appear as soon as 4 to 21 days after an individual is infected. Although it is uncommon, symptoms can develop up to six weeks after infection. Milder symptoms may occur in some people, particularly if they've been vaccinated.

What to do if you suspect you might have whooping cold? Anyone with whooping cough at-home should follow these tips to manage their coughing spells:

  1. Get enough sleep. You may find it easier to relax in a quiet, dark and cool bedroom.
  2. Get plenty of fluids. Drink plenty of fluids, including water, juice, and soups.
  3. Eat smaller meals.
  4. Cleanse the air.
  5. Avoid transmission.

How can you stop whooping cough spreading?

Other Tips to Prevent Pertussis

  1. Wash your hands. Hand hygiene is a universally accepted recommendation. After touching the nasal secretions, wash your hands and use alcohol-based rubs to clean them.
  2. When you are coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose. Encourage your children to do the exact same.

Can I work with whooping cold?

Yes. People with whooping can stay infected for up to 21-days. They should not be allowed to attend school, nursery, or work unless they have been given antibiotics.