Asked by: Adaya Papotto
Asked in category: travel, north america travel
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

Who are the Incas and Aztecs?

Before the Europeans arrived, the Americas had three dominant civilizations: the Aztecs and the Maya. The Aztec Empire was found in central Mexico. From the 1400s to the arrival of the Spanish in 1519, it ruled large parts of the region.

Similar questions can be asked about the Incas and Aztecs.

Francisco Pizarro, a Spanish explorer, invaded the Incan Empire seeking riches in 1532. Many of the Incan had already been in contact with Europeans and had also died from European diseases. A civil war between two brothers led to the collapse of the empire. Pizarro managed to manipulate both sides and eventually defeated them all.

Also, did the Incas have any knowledge of the Aztecs as well? The question is: What did the Inca know of the Aztec? And what did the Aztec learn about the Inca. We don't know, because the Aztec books were destroyed and the Inca didn't have a written language.

How are Incas and Mayans Aztecs different?

There are differences between the Aztec, Inca and Maya Empires. The Maya Empire was found in a dense jungle on the Yucatan Peninsula. To grow many of the same crops as the Maya, the Inca also cultivated hillsides. They also built irrigation canals and raised llamas for wool and meat.

Who conquered Incas and Aztecs in the Mayans Aztecs?

Francisco Pizarro