Asked by: Ederlinda Kamin
Asked in category: food and drink, cooking
Last Updated: 5th May 2024

Who are Funneh, the Krew?

ItsFunneh, also known as Kat (Katherine La), a Gaming YouTuber. Her subscribers number over 5,000,000. She is the mother of four siblings, PaintingRainbows(Betty La), GoldenGlares (Kim La), LunarEclipsese (Wenny La), and DraconiteDragons (Allen La). They form The Krew together.

People also ask: How old is Funneh of the Krew?

ItsFunneh was conceived 31 October 1995. ItsFunneh has 24 years of age.

ItsFunneh's boyfriend is who? Please don't hate Funneh. She is always with her friends, and her boyfriend alc.

Also, ask who is the Krew?

The Krew. ItsFunneh ( Katz), LunarEclipse(Wenny), PaintingRainbowss (Betty), DraconiteDragons (Allen) und GOLDENGLARE (Kim) are the members of the Krew. The Krew often plays ROBLOX and Minecraft, with a video on Saturday.

Who is the oldest member of the Krew?

Rainbow, a Krew member, is the oldest of the Krew. Because of her way she speaks to the other members of the Krew, Rainbow is like a mother to me.