Asked by: Deepak Fuguet
Asked in category: religion and spirituality, hinduism
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

What can the seals tell us about the Harappans

Harappan seals show the script, trade and beliefs of the people. The seals at Pashupati indicate that Pashupati believed in Shiva. Their mythical beliefs are displayed in the Unicorn seal. Some script is found on seals that have yet to be deciphered.

Know also, how did seals of Harappa get used?

The sealing or positive imprint of a seal was made using seals. This modern resin one is made from the original seal. In ancient times, sealing was used for trade. These seals would be made from ceramics or clay tags that were used to seal ropes around goods.

Also, learn about the significance of Harappan seals. Seals could be used to fix or make positive engravings during trade. Antiquated exchanges required sealing. They were made from earthenware or the mud labels that were used to wrap bundles of goods.

What then does the seal of Indus Valley depict?

The Pashupati seal is a steatite sealing that was found at the Mohenjo-daro archaeological location of the Indus Valley Civilization. The seal shows a seated person that may be tricephalic (having 3 heads). It is believed to be the earliest representation of Shiva, the Hindu god of Hinduism, or a proto-Shiva deity.

What information can we extract from the seals in the Indus Valley Civilisation's Indus Valley Civilisation?

These seals provide valuable information about Indus valley's civilization. Some seals are decorated with animal or human figures. The seals most often have figures of actual animals, while some others bear mythical animals. Seals can be rectangular, circular, or even cylindrical.