Asked by: Dilan Uiber
Asked in category: science, geology, science, geology
Last Updated: 6th Jul 2024

What is the mineral content of vesicular rhyolite?

o?-/RY-?-lyte (pronounced RY-oh) is an igneous, volcanic stone, with a felsic (silica rich) composition (typically >69% SiO2 a refer to the TAS classification). It can have any texture, from glassy to porphyritic to aphanitic. The mineral assemblage consists of quartz, sanidine, and plagioclase in a ratio of > 2:1. See the QAPF diagram.

What minerals are found in rhyolite, therefore?

Rhyolite, an extrusive igneous rocks, has a high level of silica. It is often pink or gray in color and has very small grains that are difficult to see without a magnifying glass. The components of Rhyolite are quartz, plagioclase and sanidine with small amounts of hornblende or biotite.

What minerals are found in both a granite and a rhyolite? These rocks are composed of the minerals feldspar and quartz. Granite and Rhyolite are the most common types of acidic rocks. Intermediate rocks contain between 53% to 65% silica. They also contain potassium, plagioclase and feldspars with a small amount quartz.

Where can you find rhyolite?

Rhyolite can be found in volcanic arcs, where crustal rocks have been subducted beneath continental crust and melted to form a lighter magma rich silica.

What is the purpose of rhyolite?

Uses of Rhyolite in Construction In modern times, the rock is often used in construction. Gems are often found in and rhyolite. Vugs are formed when lava cools quickly enough to trap gas. The vugs are filled with water and gases.