Asked by: Philip Potzschke
Asked in category: science, environment, science, environment
Last Updated: 8th Sep 2024

Which of the following is a factor that affects climate?

A host of factors influence the climate of any given place. These factors include latitude, elevation and proximity to water, ocean currents and topography. Vegetation is also a factor. Local climate is also affected by the global climate system and any changes within it.

What are the 6 factors that influence climate?

The six factors that influence the temperature are: (1) altitude (altitude), (2) latitude; (3) proximity to large bodies of water; (4) ocean currents; (5) proximity to mountain ranges (topography); (6) prevailing winds and seasonal winds.

Also, learn more about the climatic factor. The climatic variables are non-living factors that determine the climate conditions in an area. These factors include light, temperature and humidity, precipitation, wind speed, fire, atmosphere, etc.

Secondly, which are the 4 factors that influence temperature?

Temperature is affected by altitude, latitude, and distance from the sea. Altitude is the height at sea level.

What are the five factors that influence climate?

A host of factors influence the climate of any given place. These factors include latitude, altitude, near water, ocean currents and topography, as well as vegetation and prevailing winds. Local climate is also affected by the global climate system and any changes within it.