Asked by: Fawn Corredera
Asked in category: news and politics, disasters
Last Updated: 3rd May 2024

Which bridge was destroyed in San Francisco?

San FranciscoaOakland Bay Bridge

This is where you will find the 1989 Golden Gate Bridge's collapse.

Astaneh's seriousness increases when the conversation turns to earthquakes. Astaneh admits that bridge officials acted quickly to prevent this from happening after they had experienced the LomaPrieta earthquake quake in 1989. The earthquake was magnitude 6.9 and only minor damage to the Golden Gate Bridge.

Is San Francisco also likely to experience a major earthquake? Scientists are most concerned about the larger, more destructive quakes. They say San Francisco will soon experience another. A recent report indicated that 76% of the Bay Area's population is at risk of a magnitude 7.0 earthquake in the next 30 years.

Know also, why did the Bay Bridge fall in 1989?

On October 17, 1989 at 5:04 pm, a magnitude 7.1 earthquake hit the Bay Area. The lower deck of the Bay Bridge crashed into the upper deck and the deck below it. The East Span's rigid structure made it more vulnerable to failure.

What year did the Bay Bridge fall?

October 17, 1989