Asked by: Parmenio Rath
Asked in category: home and garden, smart home, home and garden, smart home, home and garden, smart home, home and garden, smart home, home and garden, smart home
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

Can grow lights be turned on continuously?

A: You should not leave your grow lights on 24 hours a day. To grow properly, plants need to have a light-dark cycle. They are believed to have an ability to absorb nutrients from their extremities during darkness.

Another question is: Can you keep grow lights on for 24 hours?

It is possible to leave the grow lights on for up to 24 hours per day. However, this is only allowed during vegetative growth. People choose to leave the lights on only 18 hours per day even when they are in vegetative marijuana growth. This is a good choice.

Also, too much light can cause plants to die. Too much sun can cause plants to become sunburnt, which will eventually lead to white spots on their leaves. Another sign that they are getting too much sunlight is extreme wilting. It also rots at its base.

You may also wonder, "How long should grow lights remain on?"

16 hours

Is it possible to have too much light inside a grow space?

Too much light can hinder plant growth but it is also easy to fix. There are several common ways to fix a too bright greenhouse. Plant burn is often caused by plants growing too close to the main source light and heat.