Asked by: Emese Zejewski
Asked in category: religion and spirituality, christianity, religion and spirituality, christianity
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

Where is the Yoruba tribe located?


Is this where the Yorubas came from?

The Oyo Empire records oral history that derives the Yoruba's ethnicity from the population of Ile-Ife, an older kingdom. The Yoruba dominated cultural life in northern and eastern Nigeria from the 11th century. The Yoruba are the most urbanized people of Africa.

Another question that might be asked is, "Where are the Yoruba found in Nigeria?" The Yoruba homeland can be found in west Africa. It extends from a savanna region (grassland), in the north, to a region with tropical rain forests in south. Most Yoruba live in Nigeria. There are however scattered groups in Benin, Togo and other small countries to the west Nigeria.

Also, find out what the Yoruba tribe is famous for.

The Yoruba were reputed to be prolific sculptors. They are well-known for their terracotta works in the 12th and 14th centuries. Artists also claim their ability to create bronze art from bronze.

Which region is Yoruba?

YorA1bA Southwest Nigeria, Western Nigeria and South and Central Benin, Central Togo

Cultural region Nickname(s): Il?` KA!arA2-AjAire Yorubaland (green), West Africa (white). Part of Benin Nigeria Togo